To make it more easier for you to define the right values of the resistors, we defined the table below.

Here you can find the needed value for each use. We devide between two kinds wiring and two different voltages:

  • series connexion of 2 LEDs
  • parallel (single) connexion of 2 LEDs

7,2 Volt usage serial single
LED white high beam 61002 61004
  suppl. beam 61006 61004
  back headlight 61006 61004
LED red taillight 61001 61000
  stop light 61004 61007
LED signal light 61004 61007


12 Volt usage serial single
LED white high beam 61003 61009
  suppl. beam 61009 61008
  bacjk headlight 61009 61008
LED red taillight 61005 61005
  stop light 61009 61008
LED signal light 61009 61008